Melinda Parks
Melinda Parks
Owner and Operator of Smelterville Grocery Outlet
I was born and raised in the Silver Valley and chose to raise my family here as well. I graduated from Kellogg High School in 2002, and settled down in the quiet Silverton neighborhood. I enjoy everything the outdoors has to offer, throughout all the changing seasons. After growing my retail career for 20 years, I was given the opportunity to become a business owner and bring a brand new location right back here to share with the Silver Valley! I am committed to serving the community and helping it grow!
SOL & SERRE & Local Real Estate
I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. I have been living, playing, and volunteering in our delightful Silver Valley community for more than 13 years. I believe the Silver Valley is a special place which deserves our devotion to not only preserve its history, but also to enhance its future and grow its economy! I am a local Realtor and florist and I enjoy sharing our area and delivering smiles. When I'm not busy at work you'll find me skiing, mountain biking, paddle-boarding, gardening, and hiking endless trails with my pups.